Psychologist dissects Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon'

I never get tired of learning more about this seminal work by one of my favorite artists of all time. 




Showing 4 responses by 69zoso69

@bigtwin We saw the same show in Denver. I brought my daughter thinking how cool would it be to have Rogers Waters as her first big concert. It was pretty bad. We left soon after the intermission. 

Interesting views here.

Some seem to be in the "leave it alone, we already know everything" camp, and other's in the "I learned something new" camp. 

As with most forms art, once the work is released into the wild it takes on a life of it's own. Each individual, each generation interprets it's meaning based on their own biases and life experiences. 

What we "think" we understand about Dark Side today says more about US THAN THEM ; )  

15 minutes of some of the sweetest stylings of Gilmore.  

Happy Friday you strange weird freaking people.