PSB Syncrony one vs. klipsch Rp-5

I'm current using klipsch rp-5 front channels. If components aren't considered (hypothetically the best are being used), would the PSB Syncrony one or two be much of an upgrade??

If not would you recommend something else at a similar or lower price? (used equipment fine, but new preferred)

(just to give some tangibility I am running digital 24/96 --> Monarchy DIP Upsampler -----> Emotiva XDA-1 DAC -----> AES AE-3 tube preamp ---> B&K reference 125.2 amp)


Showing 1 response by dmacg

The PSB's would be a huge upgrade over the Klipsch.
The most remarkable speaker system I have ever heard for the money is the NHT Classic Three mated to their B-12d subwoofer. For about $1600.00 they will outperform most "high end" speakers up to $5000.00 a pair.
Cheers; dmacg