PSB Stratus Mini's

I may pick a pair of these up to pair with a Classe or Krell Integrated. Any impressions of the speakers?
My system is listed. In my surround system, I use the Stratus Minis for 2-channel listening as front speakers but sometimes switch them out with the Stratus Bronzes and move them to the rear for movies.
Listen to the Minis and other speakers. That's still the best way to decide what suits you.
I have heard the Mini's. At least long enough to know I like them. I am using B25's right now and the Mini's are so much better. Sounds like a nice set up you have. You like Marantz? I remember I started out with an old Marantz 1030. I had a pair of Utah Speakers. Remember Utah Speakers?

I owned these speakers for about a year and sold them awhile back on this site for $460 . Iv'e also owned the Image 2b. The stratus minis were so much better than the image 2b's ( they had a terrible cabinet resonance that drove me crazy im guessing caused by the plastic baffle). They are however a speaker that wont appeal to everyone as they are more about the music and not so much about trying to impress the listener so they arent the most detailed or "accurate". They do slaughter my Grado Sr-60's though ( of course ). I sold them because the tweeter started to get on my nerves, but other than that I still havent found a speaker that gets me as emotionally involved as the stratus mini.
Hi Dave,

Yes, as good as the Mini's sound, there seems to be something lacking in them. You are right, even though they present a pretty big soundstage for their size, they are certainly not the most detailed speaker. I am using them with an an Acurus A150, and there is something about the mini that I like. Most people I talk to, say that they get attached to them. I am thinking of moving up to the Silveri. As far as the 2B, B25's are concerned, yes, they start to rattle and vibrate, and I had to sell them because of the resonance. I am intrigued by the Energy Veritas 2.2i monitors. For $1000 and under, I still find the Stratus Mini hard to beat. What monitor can can be found for $1000 and under that beats the Mini? Vienna's? Von Schweikert?
If you are looking used, you may be able to find a pair of Revel M20's. Having owned those and the paradigm studio 20 v3's and the PSB's (Not at the same time) I still say that you would be very impressed by what the Revel's can do. Personally, they were my favotite. But, if you can't find them for less than 1K, my next choice would be the Paradigms. The Von Schweikerts (VR-1) stayed with me for a couple months. Not impressed, and it would be a toss up for me between the VS's and the PSB's.