PSB Stratus Mini's

I may pick a pair of these up to pair with a Classe or Krell Integrated. Any impressions of the speakers?

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

I also owned a pair for a brief period while searching for a monitor for my small listening room. They did not stay long as I found them overly bright for my taste. They were paired with a Roksan KandyIII integrated and NAD C541i cdp. A quick impression is that the Minis bass and midrange were very good but as I said the highs were overly etched.
I would recommend you listen to the Totem Model 1 or Von Schwiekert VR1. Both are very good with a nod to the Totems. Good luck with whatever you chose.
Are you absolutely committed to monitor speakers? I had my system in a very small room for a while and tried a few different monitors including NHT SB-3, PSB Stratus Mini, Von Schweikert VR-1, Totem Model 1s and a few others but none of them did it for me. I finally ended up with a pair of Meadowlark Audio Kestrel Hot Rods. These speakers took up no more floor space than the monitors on stands but offered so much more to my ear. There are some very nice floorstand speakers with small footprints it is worth considering.
But if you are committed to monitors you should listen to Polk Audio LSi9 model. For the money new or used the LSi9 is a fantastic bargain. Don't let the pedestrian name fool you.