PSB Stratus Goldi vs Paradigm Studio 100 v2

Just thought this would be an interesting thread.

In an exhausting search to find a loudspeaker that could make me happy I made my way to the purchase of a pair of PSB Stratus Goldi's. Along the journey I tried many fine loudspeakers from manufacturers such as B&W, KEF, Energy, Mirage and of course Paradigm. Although I have read many articles comparing the Goldi's to speakers from B&W (including the 802 which I also auditioned), I have yet to read a detailed head-to-head comparison between the 2 Canadian speakers that seem to just beg for comparison.

My findings where that the Goldi's were just much more a refined speaker than the 100, I did enjoy my time with the Paradigm's, but they just didn't seem to match the level of articulation the Goldi's are capable of (please remember, these are MY opinions). The 2 other area's that I found the Goldi's to excel in were bass power and definition, and most important to me, soundstage.

Please don't take my comments in a negative fashion, we all hear differently, I think this thread will be fun if we keep it to our honest opinions.

My system:

Classe Audio CDP.5 CD player
Classe Audio DR-6 preamp
(2) Classe Audio Ten amps bridged
All interconnects and cables are Monster
PSB Stratus Goldi loudspeakers

Fire away...

Showing 2 responses by pragmatist

Let me disclose this bias right up front: I went from silvers to Magnepan 1.6 qr's(yeah,I'm one of those Maggie nuts.).
That said,I liked the silvers better than golds. Explaining why would be like trying to explain how milk chocolate and dark chocolate taste and how their tastes differ.
Foreverhifi,that's cool. My love affair with maggie is a result of her imaging(one I got the placement right). In obligato passages,I can follow the melody,the counter melody, and the third line defining the harmony without the speakers getting in the way. I'm willing to trade off a bit of dynamic range in return for the imaging. As you've worked in the bizz, you've heard more speakers that I have. That said,I'd recommend the Silver i s to anyone wanting conventional speakers. P