PSB Goldi vs. Mordant short performance 860

The problem I have is that the PSB Goldi is nowhere local to try a test listen. I am going to audition the Mordaunt-short performance 860s tomorrow evening. There is a pair of PSBs about 4 hours away that I could pickup. I figure after fuel I will have about 875 tied up in them. I have an oppertunity of the mordaunt-short 860s for 1k and they are local.

Has anyone heard both of these? I have seen it posted that there is some honkiness to the 860s but I do not know how they would compare to the Goldi.

Thanks for everyones input, you are ALL very helpful!!

I purchased the 860s two days ago. What a phenomenal pair of speakers. In all honesty, I did NOT audition the golds. Unfortunately the nearest pair was 5hr away that I could afford. Quite honestly, the 860s did everything that I loved and more. I had M/S bookshelves that I loved, and these things make my none too exciting h/k reciever sound like a new beast.

My PSE studio V monoblocks will be here next week... now to start hunting for a pre!

Thanks for everyones help and advice - Evan
i'm glad you like them.....the psbs are great, but the 860's are one of the best allrounders ever made. it was an all out effort by ms make a loudspeaker that was truly classic in every way. years from now it will be a cult item. the pse's are great too. once again a little known company who made a very very ambitious piece of equipment. enjoy buying music now, and know you have a set of speakers that are better than most anything out there at gobs more money. even the build quality is second to none
I am still very excited about these speakers. They make my H/K sound almost better than anything else I have ever had. Now thats saying something! PSE's will actually be here TOMORROW. woo hoo.

I am going to build a 12b4a line stage. I can't really afford anything good in my price bracket so i am going the DIY route.

Thanks - Evan