I own the PSB Gold and am very happy with the performance. But the Paradigm 100v2 is the best value. The first version was not as good as the Golds but this one is. For 1900.00, you are going to have a hell of a time getting a better speaker. My dealer convinced me to use them when auditioning a new av pre-amp. I resisted because I had already heard the first version and figured that there was probabely little difference between the two. The was a very great difference. I still love my PSB Gold(i) and am glad that the Paradigm 100v2 was not availible at the time of my purchase because it would have been a very difficult choice.
PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?
I am a casual listener rather than an audiophile. Any opinions on choosing between PSB Stratus Gold, NHT 3.3 and Paradigm Ref. 100V2? Or other speakers in a similar price range? I have Sunfire 300wpc amp and Quicksilver tube pre-amp. The room is about 25 feet by 15 feet.