PS3 or DVD1800BD

I have a PS3 and I'm wondering if I should "upgrade" to the denon DVD1800BD or it's bigger brothers. The denon Blu ray players don't have wireless so Blu ray live (the online content?) won't work I'm guessing. I'm wondering if bitstream will sound better than the PS3's output (linear PCM). For my taste, the PS3 video looks great on my samsung but I'm wondering if the sound quality will be significantly better. I have a denon 4308ci as my a/v receiver. Any insights would be appreciated.
Just because you have a nice monitor doesnt mean you can actually see anything. I know a blind guy who has a Meridian Projector..he doesnt impress me either.
You bore me and I am tired of you and your wrong conclusions...feel free to mislead all you wish, you mom must be proud.
You bore me and I am tired of you and your wrong conclusions...feel free to mislead all you wish,

06-03-05: Chadnliz
RSbeck, good point, everyone can come here with opinions and argue whatever side of the fence they are on, but the poster will surely have alot more info , and in the end everyone is trying to help.

If only one could believe you...

I have denon 2500btci with avr4306.
My son has PS3.We try both to my system with same DTS HD master recorded blu-ray disc( verdi AIDA.BB KING Live & Mr Mrs smith).
My denon 2500 is much better sound & slightly better picture.Me & son both agree.
I think PS3 is mainly made for games. and music & movie is secondary.
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