PS Perfect wave power cord

What are your thoughts about this perfect wave series of power cables?


Showing 2 responses by phillyb

I am going through the burn-in of the AC 12, On my amp it sounds fine but switch it to the source CD or Preamp and like all the above comments the sounds is just weird, mid bass missing, highs sizzle, mids thin and grainy.

I have about 30 hours on the cord. I may switch it to the Plasma TV for burn-in or just leave it on my amp for a few months.

300 hours is a long time for me.

I love my Lessloss Signatures, sounded good right away and got better in a few weeks. I will see on the AC-12 progresses.

I like to use it on my preamp with the Lessloss on the CD/SACD player and the other on the amp.
I wanted to add my experience. You can see in my 1st post that I was not high on the PS Audio AC-12. I never sold them, so 2 weeks ago I pulled them out and put them back where I had tried them before and let the system play with the amp off for a few weeks. I then turned the amp on waited till I got home from work and said well let's see if I still don't like the AC-12, well to say I was pleased was beyond my reaction, I was amazed and how good these same cables that I tried and gave up on sound. Open, transparent, good weight and body, and the bottom end shook my room now with deep tight bass, and upper mid-bass was now there. I've owned power cords that cost 2-4 times more and if I heard the PS-12 fully burned in, I would never have dropped more money on a power cord, these are that good, the others have a "different sound" in sound areas but none, I mean none better. This included Audioquest Tornado and Hurricane, Nordost Frye, and Wireworld Platinum.