PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference?

I think I'm going to purchase a Lumin X-1 and sell my PS Direct Steam Dac.
Can anyone share their experience with these 2 products, particularly in sound quality?


Showing 2 responses by jaybe

Let Mecani answer but I’ll add that fiber is thought to be the best connection on some other well known audio forums. Explained there in lots of technical detail as well. No personal experience so just passing along. But it’s yet another thing to learn and spend on if you’re up to it.
@ozzy Congrats on the X1. Thinking of moving to Lumin from Aurender. Could you say whether the overall tonality is neutral or whether it favors either side of neutral (warm-dark vs. cool etc, you get it). Hoping an actual Lumin user can advise on this as I do my research. Or anything else about the sound. Thanks.