PS auido Direct stream Dac

Hi I am looking to buy a Dac, now i have Cambridge Audio 851N network player.I am looking at the PS audio Direct Stream Dac with the Bridge 11 and the Holo  Audio May Dac KTE, I have a cd player ,but not many cds so most of the time it would used to stream Qobuz ,I also have a nice vinyl set up which i use about 1/2 the time. My ? does anyone have heard both of these dacs ,if so which sounds most like vinyl, I am 64  so I am trying to decide if these are worth the $ or should i just stick with the CA 851N ,any opinions will help .Thanks Lloyd

Showing 1 response by jon2020


Your observation that the Holo May crushed the DS would be beneficial to those thinking of purchasing the DS.

Certainly,  I2S is the way to go for optimal SQ but for many, this is not a viable option without as you say, widespread industry support. To those thinking of getting the DS, go I2S all the way or not at all.