PS auido Direct stream Dac

Hi I am looking to buy a Dac, now i have Cambridge Audio 851N network player.I am looking at the PS audio Direct Stream Dac with the Bridge 11 and the Holo  Audio May Dac KTE, I have a cd player ,but not many cds so most of the time it would used to stream Qobuz ,I also have a nice vinyl set up which i use about 1/2 the time. My ? does anyone have heard both of these dacs ,if so which sounds most like vinyl, I am 64  so I am trying to decide if these are worth the $ or should i just stick with the CA 851N ,any opinions will help .Thanks Lloyd

Showing 3 responses by bestbaker

 i looked at the doge 7 also seems nice but i did not like the power supply seems a little cheap ,i could be wrong ,the price is not bad . anyone else have or heard the doge 7 tube dac. I see quite a few reviews on the the Holo May  level 2 & 3 they all love it ,not cheap but looks like it is very well made, thanks for all your response,s Lloyd
Hi  ,I am still looking at new dacs thanks for all your suggestions. I have a ? about my CA 851N ,is there any way to hook this up to a separate Dac just to use the streamer to feed into a new dac. and if so will it be using the new dac not the one in the 851n. any help would be appreciated Thanks Bb