PS Audio Stellar Phono


Curious as to if anyone has experienced a PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp? Did you try it at home or at a dealer? I'm considering trying one out for an in home demo to put up against my Musical Surroundings Nova III with the linear power supply to see how it compares. Any insight into either the in home trial is even worth it at this close of a price point? Michael Fremer's views on the Stellar is what has me very very curious and has me considering moving over. I'm a fan of my P10 from PS Audio and feel the Stellar Phono may be the next step. 
@j-wall congrats! I've not seen the Chinook before, but it looks like a great option if you're feeling tubes. Certainly more so than my old Tube Box S2!

I'd be curious if you do an A/B with the Stellar. I was on the fence about ordering it, but since PS Audio's trial/return policy is so generous (in the US) I figured it was worth it.

I do disagree with @jmeyers on one point: My setup has a more modest turntable setup with basic blue jeans cables and even I could notice quite a difference. I think the Stellar could make any system sound better, not just with top-shelf components. That said, the additional upgrades certainly would help even more.
Anyone considering auditioning the PS Stellar Phono preamp should consider its very long break in time. IMO and actual experience 200 hours at least. That’s a lot of time to accumulate in 30 days. PS may give you more time if you ask for it. I almost returned it at 150 hrs use. At about 175 hrs it really woke up and sounded like something and I kept it. It is detailed and realistically warm and very transparent if you load your cartridge correctly. If you choose one of their preset loads it may or may not shake hands with your cartridge optimally and may disappoint. In order to get a perfect load the custom setting is a must. It is difficult to set because the resistors for each channel were not perfectly matched in my unit. I used an ohm meter to get a perfect match and it was worth the effort. Of course if you are using an SUT with the PS it isn’t an issue.
I’ve had the Stellar for 2 years and had an interesting experience recently. My long time dealer found a SME 20 for me. He matched the table to a SME V arm and a ClearAudio Jubilee cart. Since my electronics are an ARC 160s and a ref6se he brought a ARC phono ref3. I was comfortable with the price, but when we compared the Ps Audio Stellar and the ARC there wasn’t a comparison. The resolution and pace of the Stellar was superior. The soundstage of the ARC was a bit better. 
I’m looking forward to comparing the ARC phono ref3se some day, but for now I’m very satisfied. 
@revdeg now that's a screaming recommendation if I've ever heard one. Also, I'm sure the SE is superior, but that much Superior? To knock a $3k phono off its throne? Now I'm really interested. I'm going on a limb and looking at an Allnic 1205 now...

I just bought a 2nd hand PS Audio Stellar Phono and was blown away. Compared to my MoFi StudioPhono (which is the best under $1k Phono Preamp around), the Stellar blew it away by a country mile. Understand though there are price points that each designer (Darren Myers/PS Audio & Tim De Paravicini/MoFi) had to work within. The StudioPhono is no slouch.

The Stellar by comparison is thicker sounding (which I prefer) and rivals my PS Audio DirectStream DAC Sr. for affection now  I'm still a Digital Man but this Stellar Analog Kid is making me enjoy Vinyl again. PS Audio has a winner on its hands.

I just got back into Vinyl and am treading the Waters very carefully.