PS Audio PWD MkII vs W4S DAC2

Has anyone done a comparo between these two DAC's. Love my W4S Dac2 but if the PWD MkII is a big step up, I might get the itch. Most interested in coax connection; less in USB.


Have the W4S DAC-2 paired with PWT and Bryston BDP-1. PWT coonected by I2s and the Bryston transport by AES/EBU. I am very happy with the performance of the digital sources. My understanding from what I read is the W4S DAC is pretty close to the first version of the PWD, but the MK-2 is a big step up. With the Bryston, I don't really need the bridge. Guess I'll need to audition the new PSAudio DAC.
Those are two great transports. Is one better than the other? Ive read great things about the PWT and Bdp 1.
Was wondering the same thing re: W4S vs PWD II. Using the Audiophelleo2 with the W4S was a huge jump, understand that using the Offramp is potentially even better...
With the NativeX implementation wondering if PWD II takes that to a new level? Would appreciate anyone's thoughts or experiences...
Use lossless files off a Mac mini primarily, occasionally will use an Oppo as a transport.
I have made the move and there really is no comparison: the PSA PWD MkII, once burned in, is audibly superior in every respect. That said, I enjoyed and respect the W4S DAC2 and could have happily continued to live with it. While it does not have the inner detail, crisp highs, or thunderous bass or soundstaging of the PWD MkII, it had an ineffable organic quality to it that was very pleasing and liveable.

So if you have the coin, the change would be very rewarding; if not, I would not in any way feel audibly deprived.


Well put. I feel the same way about my old modded Meitner Bidat. It's a classic, but time marches on.