Years ago, I owned a PS Audio premier power regenerator. I enjoyed having it, but had to send it back because it was reacting to some kind of problem with the incoming power line. Sometimes at night I would hear it click as if it was adjusting to something on the AC line. Thing is, it was turned off. PS Audio sent it back after making a new grounding scheme for it. It was no use,same trouble. I sold the unit and went a different direction. So, my question is, has anyone else had issues with this unit? I am tempted to buy one again hoping for a better result< since they are going for 'cheap' nowadays.

Showing 1 response by jbnachman

i like the power plant premier unit but its a serviceable item. After speaking to PS Audio about mine that i recently sent back for service, the unit cannot run forever without service... that was my understanding. I was unaware of this, however this is the 2nd time i have sent a PPP back to PS Audio for repair. the 1st time, they replaced it with a new one. This one is being sent back because the THD was over 1% & running hot when nothing was on. Plus, it runs too hot to keep in a cabinet with doors so i am probably selling mine when i get it back from PS Audio.