PS Audio Prelude power cord.

Few days ago received my new PS Audio Prelude power cord to use with my McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe amplifier. Right out of the box it made a huge improvement in the bass. But now that I listen to my system for few days with this power cord, I get mixed feelings about it. It appears to roll the highs off a bit. Anybody has this power cord to share their thoughts? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by dlwask

Had the same PC on a McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe. I thought the Prelude did more harm to the sound than good. Similar findings to yours (improved low freq extension but less controlled and softer highs) though I would add a recessed midrange that got to be annoying.

I eventually ended up replacing the Prelude PC with a Cardas PC, their entry level cord just forgot the model, with much better results. The connectors on the Cardas cord fit much better at the wall and IEC by the way.

Good luck.