PS Audio PP300 works great, but......

Seasons greetings. I hooked up my brand new PP300 last night. If I listen critically and technically, I can clearly state that it does EVERYTHING they say it does. Much blacker background, Much tighter bass, Much greater detail and instrument space. However, even though all of these things are done better than I ever imagined, I find the music to be less involving. Has anybody else had this experience? Will it get better with break-in? I don't want to give up all of these benefits, but I want my musicality back. FYI: Sonic Frontiers T3/P3, BAT VK5i, BAT VK500, Dynaudio Confidence 5.

Showing 1 response by kira

Metaphysics: Do you have your BAT VK-5i plugged into the 300? I tried plugging in my 5i and the 300 shut down. I immediately called PS Audio and was informed that the 5i drew too much power and could not be plugged into the 300. Anybody else have problems similar to this? I do love the sound of my system with the 300 and I think the music is very involving.