PS Audio Power Plant 15........

Just got a PS Audio Power Plant 15 that I bought as demo from a dealer. The idea was to upgrade from Audioquest Niagara 1200. 
As soon as I hooked it up to my system ( Auralic Altair G1, Pass Labs Int-60, Audio Note J-Spe Speakers) I was robed of my beautiful midrange and the soundstage that was open and 3D holographic became 2D and receded to the back of the front wall. 
Did several a/b tests and it became ever so clear.
What could be going on? Obviously, changing from a 1K unit to a 7K unit one expect an improvement.
Thoughts and comments are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by bvdiman

Been using many iterations of PS regenerators since late ‘90s, their PP1200 (20yrs+) trouble free (only needing fan changed twice), always brought improvements to whatever plugged in (various—too many to list over those years).

Recently, just for peace of mind sake~thinking too old (but they still work flawlessly btw.)—while looking for new, auditioned some of those mentioned above plus few other popular auto voltage regulator types. Again, ended up with P20 clear winner in my system. 3D, resolute, dynamic all the while sounding v.natural/organic stripping/washing off colors as many do. And that saying with my main (dedicated) started reasonably ok—with less than 1,5% THD in on average, and very little voltage irregularities if any.

If sure not a faulty P15 you got—I’d try let it settle a bit more whilst try play around with adjustments. Sine/multi, also—tune voltage out—as few volts up/down could alter sound quite markedly ime. Also, power cords into/outward of it play a big role too. And if possible, separate power amp from sources on different dedicated mains using two PP (even smaller ones ie. 2xP10), this will further bring upticks in sound—cleaner, better separation and open up the soundstage even more, imo.
Can’t imagine living without them in my system. Good luck.