PS Audio Perfectwave Compared to High End Players

PS Audio claims superior sound on CDs in consequence of new technology. Meridian makes a similar claim for their 808.2 CDP. Other high end manufacturers extoll their own technology. How, sonically, does the PS Audio Perfectwave transport and dac compare to Meridian, dCs, and other high end products in CD reproduction?

Showing 2 responses by macdadtexas

I have not had the Perfectwave in my system, but I remember it from CES being absolutely stellar. In fact I walked out of the Vandersteen demo, and the PS Audio room was the next one I actually listened in, and it made a huge impression. That's a lot to say, especially since the Vandy demo was on a system that included the Clearaudio Reference turntable with the Goldfinger cartridge on it. About $120k just for the record playing set up.

I had the Berekeley for s short time (about a week) and bought the Bryston to compare. I kept the Bryston, and let the Berkeley go to another buddy (he paid for it), because I thought the Bryston was slightly warmer, which is what I was looking for. In fact, they were very similar, both excellent top and bottom ends, and I like the slight hint warmness from the Bryston.

I would like to hear the Perfectwave in my system....
I always think of warmer as there being little to no hard glare to the music. It may be a bit more coloration actually, and less clarity, but it sounds fuller, and more analog.

Tubes and High efficiency speakers = warmer: Solid State and electrostats = analytical with greater clarity.