PS Audio Perfect Wave Transport/DAC experiences

I want to know your experience with the PS Audio Perfect Wave combo.
Could you compare with other CD Players ?
Do you use them with or without preamplifier ?
I will apreciate your opinions and experiences.

Showing 7 responses by sgr

I just happened to talk with PS Audio yesterday and they told me about it and sent it to me via e-mail. You handle it just like the PWT update. I believe you'll have to e-mail or call right now. I'm not sure what it is exactly supposed to improve, although I was told it would somehow improve the workings of the remote. I'm sure there must be more. If you find out what the update will do exactly, let me know.
Hope this helps.
I owned the Levinson Refercence 31.5 Transport and 30.6 DAC. I thought I'd keep them forever. However because of issues with Harmons poor service, I started looking for a new digital system that would sound better and not break the bank. So I took a chance and ordered the PWT/PWD from Music Direct.
Upon first listen I preferred the Levinson sound. But as the PWT/PWD broke in, I found myself listening to the PWT/PWD combo more and more. In fact I had to make myself switch to the Levinson stuff.
The fact is, I have enjoyed listening so much more since I sold off my Levinson front end and switched to the Perfect Wave. The PWD/PWT have a way of involving one in the music. It just sounds right. Also as I'm wanting to go the server route the PWT/PWD appear to fit the bill.
As for tweeks, I have found that placing 3 Mpingo disks on both the transport and DAC really made the combo sing. Other tweeks have been Herbies Tenderfeet under the transport placed as close as possible to the factory footers and to the right of each. The DAC didn't seem to like this arrangement so I'm now using 3 Vibracones two in front and 1 in back (middle). I'm going to have another group of tenderfeet sent out to try with the DAC.
As for the HDMI cable, I started with a Nordost (don't remember the model) and am now using a Signal Cable HDMI.
I'm hoping to try the PS Audio silver HDMI in the near future.
For powercords, I've tried the stock, Synergistic Research, Signal Cable Digital, and VH Audio Flavor 4.
Of these the VH Audios seems to be the one to use in my system. The bass gained more impact and was more transparent.
Give Bes a call at Music Direct, I'm sure they'll set you up with a 30 day audition. He is very easy to work with.
See my system if you'd like to see howeverything is situated.
Hope this helps.
Yes, I think they could have done better. A glass cover would have been better than the plastic. I would guess that the displays could be reprogramed and changed at some point. I believe they are considering it. However the units do sound better when the displays are turned off, like many other products. However, I've seen components that look a lot plainer, and whose looks might make me hesitate to purchase them. The sound is sure impressive though.
Hi Lev,
I think you'll need a preamp, too. I listend to PWT/PWD straight into the crossover, with the Levinson #32, and with the ARC Ref #. While the sound of the PWT/PWD direct was very good and I found it had great dynamics and punch, it was a little on the uncontrolled side. It also has to be (according to PS Audio) played at least half volume because with anything less a digital volume control loses some of its resolution. In my experiements things always sounded best with the PWD at full volume while using the Preamp to control the output. If you could swing it, and wanted a Levinson pre, I'd look at the #320s. You might also consider a tube preamp. I've really enjoyed coming back to a tube preamp. To me, it would be worth it to save for a Ref 3. However, I could easily live with using the PWT as a preamp if I had too!
Also, Cullen Electronics, who do design work and mods for PS Audio, are working on a mod for the PWD, and I believe I was told they thought they could improve the volume control on the PWD. So that may be something to check out in the near future.
I think that's a good strategy. The Pass Alpha Preamp reportedly sounds great and should do the job nicely. I've been impressed by all the Pass stuff I've heard. You've got a superb system already. Rome was not built in a day!

I've not downloaded any hi rez files yet. Where do I find them, (I know where to find the Reference Recordings HRX discs but I haven't seen a title that says "buy me".) and what is the procedure for downloading them to a DVD? What titles are your favorites?
Have a great day!
I think I might have found the reason for your reservations concerning the PWT/PWD. The other day, I put my two pieces in "standby" by pressing the two blue PS Audio buttons on the left top corners. I did this because usually putting equipment in standby doensn't effect the sound quality. However, on the PWD/PWT it does so drastically and it takes at least 24 hours in my experience to come back. This has happened twice to me and both times I wondered what the heck happened to my system. It sounded cold, hard, and without a lot of life.
Unfortunately, the first time I did this I attributed it to other factors. For some reason, I did this again Sunday night, and tried to listen again on Monday, and turned the system off in disgust. I made sure to leave the two pieces on, as usual. Yesterday, I had a chance to speak with PS Audio, and my suspicions were confirmed. They never turn the units off. So if you have been using the blue buttons this probably accounts for what you've been hearing.
Hope this helps.
P.S. The newest software updates for both the PWD/PWT are now availablet to download.
I happen to like the screen. From my chair I can see the album info ok. I'm told the screen will be programable as to what is displayed eventually. One can darken it completly now. I don't know how much it cost them to incorporate this feature in the units, but touch screens have been around a while.

I wish it did have a better reomote, but I think the IPOD Touch will work well when the Bridge is available.

I do believe that a video out would have been a great feature. Then one could have hooked a monitor to the unit and easily viewed the album art from acrosss the room. This should have been a no brainer! After all, Paul thought it would be cool to see the album on the DAC so a large display would be even cooler.

I've also wondered, if Apple brings out a tablet I-Pod Touch as rumored, then the software should run on it as well finally providing the larger screen many people want. Wouldn't it be cool to use this device to control all the features of your system as well?

I was wondering if once the bridge is available, I'm probably going to add a MacMini to my system in the basement for ripping files to the server. I'm wondering if the album files would be displayed on the Mac monitor when the Perfect Wave accesses data from the server. Any ideas?

As for SACD and DVD Audio, from discussions I've had with PS Audio, one or both could be implemented in the future, though it may be a while.
Oh well, time will tell. Right now I'm enjoying listening to my system and one of the reasons it sounds so good to me, is the PWT/PWD.