PS Audio P500 Yes? -No?

Anyone have experience they can share on the latest version PS Audio P500? This is the unit w/ MMWII, the new servo system, Auto Wave, and System Clean. Sounds like I should have one but it all seems like a bit of an overpromise. I know my gear and electrical matters at my home have an impact. But I am sure grateful for any informed opinions you all might have. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by sit

Thank you for your responses. Very helpful. I believe I'm going to get the P500. Any other comments are very appreciated.
I have had my P500 for about 2+ months now and can honestly say that it MAKES A VERY REAL DIFFERENCE IN THE QUALITY OF WHAT I AM HEARING ON MY SYSTEM. I am thinking of getting a second unit to fully cover my front end gear. Wonderful investment for me.