PS Audio new Stellar Phono PreAmp?

Hi , First I have PS Audio's Stellar Pre-Amp/DAC and S300 amp and have been very happy with them. I have a Rega P6 and a Rogue phono preamp. I saw that PS Audio has a new Stellar Phono PreAmp. Has anyone listened to it yet? I was wondering if would be an improvement over my Rogue?

Showing 1 response by mdcomdial


Sirhan62, I have the same Rega RP8 and Sumiko Blackbird cartridge. Most people don’t have this combination, but I’m very happy with it. Right now I have an older Graham Slee phono preamp. I’m thinking of trying the stellar gain phono preamp. Have your impressions changed since installing it in your system?

Thank you for any information.