PS Audio Multiwave

Anybody heard the Power Plant upgrade? What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Okay, and I hope we can also get a few more comments about what the upgrade sounds like.
I second that Drubin. Children why don't we have a quiet time. What does it sound like????
Yea, I guess I'd like to know what it sounds like too, but I'm not gonna know, cause I'm with Sagger. You'd think they would have given me just one chance to dust my P300 before making me feel I needed upgrading. Great product, but PSA, you are well on your way to becoming a typical American business. Yuck!
I'm interested in hearing what it sounds like but I'm having a hard time getting one. I called one of the dealers to order it (1st mistake) the second day it became available. I've heard twice, "we are getting a shipment in a few days and we'll send one out". On my second call, they (I will disclose the dealer soon if I don't get one) claim they don't have a record of me ordering one. When I called PSAudio, they say my name is not on the dealer's list. I'm finding that this dealer in general is flakey for other reasons related to previous orders (claims to be able to still get ByBee internal p300 filter mod, then says he can't). He is also a well known dealer.
I suggest you work directly with PS Audio. Notwithstanding the remarks above about their pricing, I have found them to be a good company to deal with--efficient, customer-oriented, etc. I also admire the way they have used the Internet as a channel to market and sell directly to customers while at the same time building a large dealer network. Their business model is proving to be an Internet-era success story for the high end, it seems to me. Not applicable to all audio product categories certainly, but impressive still.