PS Audio GCA or RogueM180

I realize these are two very different amplifiers. I have the PS Audio GCA 250's in my system. I have had them about 4 years. I am eyeing the Rogue Audio M180 mono blocks. Is this a sideways move or...?
Highs seem a bit harsh in my rig Any Suggestions?
Raysonic 168
PS Audio GCP200
PS Audio GCA 250 (x2 bi amp)
Von Schweikert VR-2
Yeah, you betcha, TUBES ROCK!!! In fact, I have a nice Cary CAD 120S tube amp for sale!

One thing is pretty certain... the Rogue tube amps will sound quite a bit different than the PS Audio amp. They will require tube rolling to achieve the best sound... And you will never actually achieve the best sound.
All in favor say I. Get some tubes in your system. I just upgraded my m-150's to 180's and i am very pleased with the results and they are made in America, what a novel concept