PS Audio "Gain Cell" Amps & Preamps?

Has anyone out there heard or bought PS Audio's new digital "Gain Cell" power amps, integrated amps, and preamp yet?
If so, how do they sound & compare to other products on the market?
I hear they are based on the ICE modules.
Thanks for your time.
From PS Audio's site:

"The GCC Control Amplifier was awarded Best Product Of The Year! Sam Ho, of HiFi Review Magazine, granted the GCC-250 this prestigious honor for the innovations of the Gain Cell technology and the sheer beauty of this G Series Control Amplifier's performance."
I have just finished my evaluation of the GCC-250 for The Stereo Times. It should be published in about a month. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but let's just say that my review will present an interesting contrast to Mr. Ho's.
OK but who is Mr. Ho???????????? And did he review it?? And last was his review too positive???
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Tvad, nice try, but Henry Ho of H20 is a different person than Sam Ho of HiFi Review Magazine. HoHoHo!