PS Audio DirectStream DAC measurements by ASR


Showing 5 responses by ranjithkp

And there are #Audiophools who throws money at shiny things which has the worst distortion possible
The basic task of a DAC is to recreate the digital signal without noise. A 6k device is failing in basic measurement. Will you be happy with a car which is advertised at making 400HP making 130HP on dyno? 
I read those comments. I wish they accepted the shortcomings or technically challenged the measurements than blindly rejecting the shortcomings.

PS: I own a DS jr.
Yes, agree with @georgehifi Shortlist few dacs which have good sinad measurements. If you are mostly listening to redbook format get something which can resolve minimum 16 bit ie 96DB dynamic range.
From there pick one based on listening impressions, features price.