PS Audio Direct Stream

Has anyone received this unit yet?
And if so please share your review.
We were using a Pioneer Elite player for the last listening session. The Aria Music server is in place but we needed a Rj45 to WiFi converter in order to connect it to the wireless network. That adapter will be installed today. So if it sounded the way it did with the Pioneer Elite (no slouch) I can just imagine what it will sound like with the Aria installed up and running. I willl report back as soon as I listen to it with the Aria which is brand new and will need a little run-in.
Happy Birthday to me. Received my Directstream DAC yesterday and been listening to it all day today (Auraliti PK90 serving it), latest firmware installed.
All I can say is my DAC search is over, my audio mags with DAC reviews are being recycled, and I'll have two DACs on A'gon for sale soon. Incredible piece of audio gear.
Ok, listened to the DSD with the Aria music server. Flat out sensational. If I didn't know my way around computers the way I do (not boasting, I am a software developer) I would probably buy an Aria. If I were shopping for a dac, I would most likely pick up a PS Audio DSD. As it stands, my AMR DP777 is still doing the duty :)