PS Audio Direct Stream

Has anyone received this unit yet?
And if so please share your review.

Showing 5 responses by wisnon


First off thanks for you fun thread. If you get a chance, email me at wis97non at, if you dont mind.

2nd, I agree the DS is a very interesting Dac, but I also know you are RBCD focussed via PC server. The DS is really a DSD based Dac and perhaps it shines brightest on that material, even though they say that it brings new life to CDs. I personally love DSD, so I am favourably inclined. I would love to compare in via DSD to my Lampi DSD-only Dac.

Why not just get a properly designed tube Dac?? Adding just a random tube output stage wont compare well to a designed from ground up tube Dac like Lampi, VAD or Aesthetix.

Or just a iFi Audio iTube for even less money?
I dont like its DSD playback at all and that is putting it nicely. PCM is quite good.
I heard that DSD playback is much improved...had to be as the only way was UP!