PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.


Showing 2 responses by emailists

Dealer alert but here goes: I have the BHK 300’s on my TAD CR1’S and couldn’t be happier. Ps audio planned on offering a solid state input option but the tube input just trounced it for sound quality. To me that’s a big deal since I have found hybrid seems to sound best on my system. And of course the ability to tube roll gives another level of tweak ability vs. a pure solid state design. If you ever travel to NYC and want to hear ours give me a shout out at Triodepicturesound.
Since PS audio repurposed the casework from their power products and makes things on a larger production scale, the amps are half the price or less than probably anyone else could produce them for, so you’re likely getting a $30-40k amp for the bargain price of$15k.  Why spend more?  Use the extra cash for stellar cables like the Audioquest Wel signature and Niagara 7000 power conditioner which I can attest work extremely well with these amps - yes huge mono blocks benefitting greatly in dynamics and detail  from power conditioning!  
I believe Robert Harley bought his review pair of BHK 300's.  
Great summation Mitch though I must add that Fremer’s review of the BHK’s was done via unbalanced inputs. Honestly I don’t think the review was worth doing under those conditions. Like road testing a Lamborghini on low test gas or winter tires. Sure it gives you some sense but hides the real performance potential. The manufactures response said the same thing, that the balanced input sounds considerably better, and fixes and bass deficiencies Fremer (who I happen to really like) heard in his unbalanced system. Also the mosfets are N Chanel which is different than typically used and offers lower distortion and other advantages over traditional designs.