Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers

Having bought several upper end products from p.s audio in the past such as their flagship dac   Parts quality inside were Average at best.   I am looking at New Loudspeakers and having over 40 years in audio and owning a Audio Store  to me a 🚩 flag is when you won’t should the Critical Xover inside which is the ♥️ orthe 🧠 of the speaker ,  at $28,500   The speaker should be shown inside and out , and if a company uses the term proprietary drivers or Xover parts ,that means nothing special I except the lofty $$ price tag.  Having modded Loudspeakers for myself and others for over 20 years ,know first hand most mags  take many cost cutting short cuts . It’s up to the mfg to Prove to the buyer they are worthy,Especially a totally new item , they specialize in electronics ,Not Loudspeakers .  Unless you can see everything about the drivers, and Xover and parts quality ,then most likely parts are made in China or close to it ,in reality less then $8k into the total build ,  look at a Wilson Sabrina ,Magico, B&W , they all disclose their build designs . Just ge careful, if you can’t see all your answers, they buy with ⚠️ Caution ⚠️ 


Showing 1 response by raysmtb1

Does anyone know what the cabinets are made out of? Just by looking it reminds me of molded plastic or fiberglass. All it says on the website that I could find was very vague and said it was a very dense material. If it is a molded Cabinet it must’ve cost a fortune for all the dies. Does anybody know more about this?

I also wondered why they sell them by round? I think the proper word would be container full. I don’t think any of it is manufactured in the United States. It probably shows up completely boxed up and ready to be shipped in a container. Then when they move to the next round they only are committed to buying the difference between what is not sold and what was sold. If they do get stuck with some then it’s not like getting stuck with a warehouse full of them.