PS Audio Amp tube rolling

Its time to replace my PS Audio BHK 300 monoblock's tubes. Does changing tubes from what were the factory set to another brand of tubes have as much difference as changing tubes in say a PS audio BHK Preamp. I changed/upgraded tubes in my BHK preamp and it made a fantastic difference.  Will the same hold true for the mono amps (more, less, same). If you have done this "rolling" in the mono's what tubes worked for you and what differences did you hear.

Showing 2 responses by brubin

Glad to provide some advice -  I have tried a few tubes and I can  highly recommend  trying  Tungsram ECC88 6DJ8  they provide a great sound stage over the Lions. 

BHK 250 and BHK Preamp.

OK - got some Telefunken black diamonds, they are amazing.  Give them 2 days+ to break in.  

Bill   BHK 250 and BHK Preamp.