Pros and Cons of Ribbons

I've been looking into getting a pair of VMPS RM-2's and would like to hear any comments or thoughts on these speakers or ribbon midrange and tweeter speakers in general. These speakers have a 12" woofer, (2) 7" ribbon mids and (2) spiral ribbon tweeters. I know nothing about ribbon speakers but have heard that they are very open, transparent and detailed and have exceptional imaging and spaciousness. Some say after listening to ribbons you won't like cones or domes again. This all sounds good, so what's the bad part?



Showing 1 response by improbabilitydrive

I bought a pair of newform research r645's. They're a hybrid 2-way ribbon/cone design. I bought them factory direct over the net. I've had them about 9 months and I love them. My listening room is small, about 11 x 13. Placing the speakers was no problem, just followed newform's suggestions. These speakers throw music in front of me when I'm standing facing them in the same plane as the drivers!! In fact, these speakers sound better when I'm standing behind them than anything I've ever owned before.