Pros and cons for loading Totem Forest

I've been considering lead shot for my speakers and have not done so because I think it will effect resale value. Totem said it does not effect the sound but I've heard different. Has anybody done this, and What were the results?

Showing 2 responses by catahula_bill

The reason for me asking is because I just got a new amp/pre combo and it took me to another level. I really like the forest and have been looking to upgrade them but only a few of the more pricey speakers catch my fancy. So I was just trying to improve on what I have, not destoy the world
Yes I enjoy my system very much. I read reviews in mags and read what people say here on the gon about $3000 speakers that are the next coming, want to love them but couldn't. then I jump to $5000 speakers and still they don't do it for me. As for deadend, I'm shocked, I understand we all have different taste but thats not even close to a discription I;ve thought or herd about the Forests. In my journey for better I've auditioned many speakers that I would call lifeless that people seem to love. Thanks for the help on to load or not. My room is 400 sq. ft. I think i'll leave them alone