Programmable remotes

Has anyone used aftermarket programmable remotes like the Logitech or Philips with their audio gear? I am thinking specifically of the Bryston products like the BDA-1 or BDP-1.

I would like to use a Philips SRT-9320 with my Bryston BDA-1, PS Audio PWT, and Parasound JC-2. I have remotes for the Parasound and PS Audio, but not the Bryston. Besides having three separate remotes for each of these (which is a PIA), the Bryston remote is very pricey and much more expensive than the aftermarket remotes.

I have considered the Logitech versions, but am turned off by the myriad of negative reviews posted on poor reliability and poor CS.

With respect to the Philips, it would be nice to know if products like the Parasound, Bryston, and PS Audio are pre-programmed into the SRT9320.

Showing 1 response by bizango1

I use a Logitech. Had to use the learning feature for BAT, NAD, and Wyred 4 Sound components but that works well because I can remotely control obscure features like dimming displays, changing phase, etc. If I remember correctly the Arcam CD functions were in their database and didn't have to be learned one function at a time. Nice thing about the learning feature is you can combine functions for several components into one set. When I press the music button on top it controls my CD plus integrated amp. When I press the TV button it controls the TV, cable box, and the receiver for the TV sound through a pair of PSB monitors. It can be a little frustrating and takes patience but if you stick with it you can make it do exactly what you want.