Product Line Predictability

I've been doing research for a new pair of mains and a center. These forums have widened my perspective greatly and I am starting to see a lot more choices. I am running into a problem of not being able to even see much less hear all of the speakers at the local dealers. I keep hearing from the dealers that the sound is consistent throughout the same product line but the higher end models are just more dynamic. I have not been able to find B&W 803's, Vandy 3A's, Snell XA75s, but everyone has one step down from these and a "trust me you'll love em" for the more expensive models. So how much can you trust the product line? Why don't dealers carry the better models?

Showing 1 response by sc53

Larger, more expensive speakers in the same manufacturer's line will not necessarily sound better in YOUR ROOM. I have heard all kinds of B&W's over the years and more expensive did not necessarily mean better sound. If you've been reading these forums, you'll have heard that some people prefer the Nautilus 805's and 804's to the bigger models for various reasons, not all of them having to do with room size. For speakers especially, I would not buy without hearing them first, at least in the dealer's showroom. You can end up spending a lot of money and being very disappointed.