Proceed VS Sherbourn need help

I actually owned proceed amp 3(150x3) and looking to add proceed amp 2(150x2)to complete home cinema system. One of the dealer told me to buy Sherbourne 200x5 instead of buying proceed. So Has anyone try this before. I am not sure that Sherbourn is that good. Please give me some light.
My processor pre is Tag mclaren av32r
My speaker system are kef rerference model 4(front), model 2(rear) and 200c for the center.
Also rel 400e subwoofer.

Showing 1 response by dp37

I agree completely
there is no contest
I have all proceed and have heard many other makes that offer better "value"
the problem is "value" is relative. for a few bocks more you will be much happier with the higher end equipment.
I always end up upgrading to the higher end stuff anyway.
keep the proceed.
no contest
and i will also be happy to provide the same deal cozer will