Proceed Transport & Kora DAC compatability problem

I just bought the new Kora Hermes DAC and have run into a problem. I have a Proceed PMDT transport and the Kora is not reading the output from the transport. It will not play using the PMDT. I hooked it up to an inexpensive Phillips CDR and using the digital out it plays fine. Is anyone aware of this problem and if so is there a solution short of getting a different transport or returning the KORA. You help is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by sean

Simple stuff first:

1) Have you tried using a different cable between transport & DAC ?

2) Are you using any type of "jitterbox" between transport & DAC ? If so, remove it and make a direct connection.

3) Are there any type of switches to select a specific type of output ( balanced, digital coaxial, optical ) on the transport or inputs on the DAC that you might have overlooked or forgotten about ?

4) Have you tried "discharging" both units and then attempting to re-connect them ? By "discharging", i'm talking about removing the power cords and THEN turning the power switches on. Leave them on for a minute or two, as this should discharge the power supplies. Turn power switches off and re-connect power. This will cause a "master reset" on both components and may get them working together. I would recommend making all connections first and then applying power.

After that, it is strictly a matter of contacting the manufacturers or the dealer that you've been working with / purchased the Kora from. Good luck and please keep us posted. Sean