Problems with Svetlana KT88 and Sonic Frontiers

I've heard that Sonic Frontiers has experienced problems with the Svetlana KT88 in their Power series of amplifiers. SF claims that it was due to a bad batch of tubes, and has switched to the Sovtek KT88. I would like to try the Svetlana KT88, but I am now reluctant to do so. Has anyone tried the SVKT88 in his or her Power series amplifier? What has been your experience? Thanks.

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I have been using my Sonic Frontiers Power 2 with Svetlana KT88's. I have not have had any problem at all. I have talked to a tech(I forget the name) at SF when I was purchasing KT88's. Tech mentioned that there were some bad batches of Svet KT88's that may cause problem. Only thing will happen when the tube shorts out is the biasing resistor for that tube will burn up. Tech told me that was easy fix and even sent me a few resistors in the mail. Well, I have had Svet KT88's and JJ Tesla KT88's other than Svet 6550s came with the amps with no problem what so ever. I remember that SF tech told me that if Svet KT88's fail, it is usually with in first 20hrs of use.