Problems with Svetlana KT88 and Sonic Frontiers

I've heard that Sonic Frontiers has experienced problems with the Svetlana KT88 in their Power series of amplifiers. SF claims that it was due to a bad batch of tubes, and has switched to the Sovtek KT88. I would like to try the Svetlana KT88, but I am now reluctant to do so. Has anyone tried the SVKT88 in his or her Power series amplifier? What has been your experience? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by kevziek

Nameci is right. Sonic Frontiers told me the earlier Svetlana KT88s had stability problems. ARC and other manufacturers will tell you the same. Present production Svetlanas are supposedly better, but some tube experts believe they are NOT the most reliable tube, period.

I have used EH6550s, which look just like KT88s, kind of a hybrid tube. They sound excellent in the Power 2 amp, better than anything else. They add more life and detail to the highs, and have a great lower end punch.