Problems with Bluesound Vault and PC app finding Node2 that are wireless

Does anyone else have this problem?   My PC is hardwire LAN to the Bluesound Vault2 and the wireless router.   The two Bluesound Node 2's are wireless.   About 50% of the time, the Bluesound App on the PC cannot find one or both of the nodes.    I have the same problem with Roon as well.   It is very frustrating but I don't see anyway out of this.
I have the node and feel the key issue is that it has a very weak WiFi reception. My Apple TV and MacBook can pick up a signal and stream video when the node often can’t find the signal or it is very weak with drop outs. Once I moved to an Ethernet connection most issues were resolved. But I wouldn’t have purchased the node to begin with if I knew about this problem. 
I agree, I would not have purchased the system either.   The Bryston or Wyred4Sound are much better systems. although a lot more money.   The fact is, I had to buy a system for the cabin and I went with Bryston rather than another Vault 2.  I'd sell what I have if I didn't have to take such a loss on it.
Just make sure that you PC contain the latest free software download for Windows and update your Router, It should work fine :)
Hello  same issue with the Original Bluesound Node

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As The  thread starter  device
  its regular ever since the day i bought it it disconects you have to pull the mains plug out reconnect Bluesound have been here twice via the web and they are very good patient guys.  Tried to help problem of disconnecting wont go away.

Nutshell Happen  whether hard wired and happens Wi Fi  mines done it for is it 6 years  i am so used to just rebooting it at the mains  it comes as second nature

i too am earthnet  because it supposed to perform better