Problem with one of my Gershman Avant Garde RX-20s... HELP!

Hello to all...

Tail end of the present situation: one of my Gershman Avant Garde RX-20s kinda blew up; stumbled and bumped into a switch on my integrated (JOB INT) which switched the CD playing with its DAC to the DAC in the JOB - and one speaker made a nasty BLURT sound and smoke and flame came out of the woofer (and smoke out of the JOB...).

Contacted the folks at Gershman who no longer have parts for a 20 year old speaker... Besides they are in Canada and I can just see that becoming a cluterf#%k with shipping an 80lb speaker ( or probably would need to ship both). And the local tech I have worked with for years - the brick and morter he was working at just went OOB and I’ve no way of finding him...

Feel foolish asking but: anybody in Metro NY I can go to to find out what can be done - if they can be resurrected or what other possibilities are...HELP!

Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

you may have done damage to the crossover as well.

this person is selling a pair in NJ, 2 hrs from NYC

listen to them at seller’s house?,

back to listening right away, move parts into yours, spare parts for life, or later on fix yours’ and have 2 pairs. keep or sell one pair.

wear a mask.