Problem with McIntosh C-47 and MCT-450 using Digital DIN cable to playback SACD

I have the McIntosh C-47 Preamp and the McIntosh MCT-450 Transport and I have it connected to the C-47 via Digital DIN cable so I can playback SACD. I purchased the MCT-450 with the hope of growing my SACD collection (I have about 20+ SACDs and thousands of Redbook CDs). I have never had any issues when playing back Redbook CDs. However, when I playback SACD the player intermittently has audio dropout for a second or so throughout the disc. I know it’s not bad disc because if I go back to the same spot where the dropout occurred I will not be able to duplicate the issue.  Again, this happens to all of my SACDs (Example: I have the entire Dead Can Dance SACD MoFi Japanese release and it happens on all of them). It appears if I leave the MCT-450 on for awhile the chances of the audio dropout occurring is reduced. 

I have tried all suggestions from McIntosh Support: Their recommendation was to connect the power cable of both C-47 and MCT-450 to a cheap power strip that doesn’t have any complex circuit so as it won’t cause grounding potential issue on the MCT-450. That sounded fishy to me but  still I tried it with no success. They now want me to take it (MCT-450) to the dealer and see issue occurs there - to eliminate DAC (on C-47) and/or DIN cable issue- which I haven’t gotten around to because I have such a small collection of SACD that these days if I know I’m going to be listening to SACD I just power on the transport and leave it on for few hours prior to my listening session and that normally seems to do the trick - but not always.

Other than the brief audio drop out - as if someone presssd mute- on rare occasions instead of silence I have heard what sounded like digital noise - chirping etc.  Again- all this happens only during SACD playback and never occurs during Redbook playback.

I had searched for anyone reporting similar issse but didn’t come across it so would appreciate feedback from those with the MCT-450 using the Digital DIN cable.


C2700 and MCT 450 same problem! I get static when I play back SACD, CD’s are fine. McIntosh replaced the cable it worked the first time I did the swap!! hooray, turned if off and static is back.... Seems to be random. Upgraded all C2700 firmware. bummer.  Also 50 miles to nearest dealer and COVID, only have 10 or so SACD, but should work for price of this stuff

Hoping among all hopes I also just purchased a brand new C2700 from local authorized dealer only to have the same exact issue with the MCT450 and SACD playback using the MCT cable connected to the C2700. :-(

I have the MCT450 at local authorized repair center now but unfortunately they didn’t have a way to test MCT connection (you would think an authorized McIntosh Repair Center would have this ability to do so) so they asked me to bring in my C2700. Now I have both my MCT450 and my brand new C2700 there and it’s been about a week with no luck- they said they are working with McIntosh for solutions. I contacted McIntosh to see if they can help, let’s see where this goes. Wish me luck.


I have some great news to share. The service manger from McIntosh was able to work with the local McIntosh authorized repair center and finally fix the issue once and for all: The CD drive assembly was replaced and now it works flawlessly!!


I am so so happy right now. Finally, I am able to play all of my SACDs without the audio drops. Finally, I’m enjoying my C2700 with the MCT450 - in perfect harmony.

Big thank you to John, the McIntosh service manager as well as Chuck the support specialist and my local repair center. McIntosh went above and beyond to troubleshoot and resolve this issue once and for all.
