Problem with Arcam or JM LABS

I have an Arcam AVR 250 with an Arcam DV78. The speakers are JM Lab 716S Chorus Line(mains) w/ a JM Lab 700S Chorus Line (center) and JM Lab 716S (rears). The front 3 spkrs have Rega cables. The problem is understanding the dialogue from the center channel when watching movies. We think we have everything hooked up correctly and every setting set proberly. We have adjusted and readjusted every setting many times with little or no improvement. I have been running the mains on 0-5 with the center at 6 and the rears around 2-4. I purchased a sound level meter and set the levels correctly. No help. The voices coming from the center sound thick at times and slurred. We have tried the center at 5' and 2' with no improvement. The odd part is that I can understand every word coming from my TV during a broadcast when it is coming out of the center. Is there anything I can do to brighten the sound or is it just the British sound that I will have to learn to deal with. Thank you for your time.
i have the same problem which i posted in ht forum..
Thanks Rick but this is all old news to me. I purchased a sound level meter with little or no improvement. I agree with Shane and Jeff but the calibration and delays are set perfect. I am going to switch from the Rega cables going to the center shortly. I am breaking in a set of Oval 9s on another system right now to try on the center later. I am also looking for a recommendation on a digital coaxial cable from anyone who has seen improvement on their system from using one. I have a Wasatch on it now and I'm beginning to believe it is of very poor quality. I bought the system as a whole from a dealer and I think most of the cables are junk. Any cable recommendations would be greatly appreciated, as this will be my last investment in this problem.
My wife and I are also just north of 50 and she has a slight drop in hearing as well. as I said in my earlier post we were using JMLab 707S and 700 center. We just changed our speakers. We went with Paradigm S8 fronts and a C3 center - and the center has made all the difference in the world - dialogue is now improved drastically. The C3 is larger than the JMLab 700 and is also a 3way design. I would think about upgrading the center channel based on our experience.
I am now considering ugrading my center to a JM Lab Cobalt or Electra line from my original Chorus CC700. Is there anyone out there who can honestly say that this upgrade will really make a difference. Thanks to all.
No, don’t upgrade the center channel just yet. Try a new speaker cable first. Also, if you are using cheap interconnects. Try upgrading here as well. Do some more experimenting before you come to the new center channel conclusion.

I have good luck with Wireworld Starlight Digital Cable. Call The Cable Company and ask them for a demo. Also, Wireworld has a full compliment of cables for your entire system. They are very clear sounding.