Problem advice please

I came home last night and noticed that the light on the front LCD dispay of my Denon 2900 is not functioning
The front display is completely black
At first I thought the player was not functioning than I noticed that the light to indicate standby mode is illuminated. The player still functions

What is involved to get this fixed
Do I need to go back to Denon
I bought the player from John Tucker at Exemplar

Your thoughts are appreciated

Showing 3 responses by aplhifi

The display of the Denon 2900 is not LCD; it is FLD which does not require illumination light. It produces light on its own.

Since the player is still functional, you should really check the settings as there is "Display OFF" function. If this is not the case, then the filament or cathode voltage for the FLD is the failure (power supply), or it may be the FLD driver or the FLD it self (very unlikely). This requires troubleshooting by experienced Tech.

Bluemike, given your FLD display tube is still fine (which I am almost 100% sure it is fine), I'd say that the repair should be in the $200 range, max. Depending on your location shop rates, you may even get it fixed for as low as $70.

If for some reason the FLD has gone south, then it will cost more as the FLD is around $100-150 from what I know. You need to check this though.

Good luck fixing it! I'm sure it's not that bad.

Well, sorry to say but Denon will not work on a modded player. Experienced local tech is your only hope, unless John Tucker wants to take a look at it.
