Proac Tablette - which version is best at imaging?

I've read that the Proac Tablette is one of the best imaging speaker.  I really like depth and imaging like I've heard before with some of the original Audio Physic speakers.

There are a lot of Proac Tablette versions throughout the years - which is the best at imaging and disappearing?

Showing 1 response by jjss49

I wouldn’t say earlier versions of the Tablette are brighter. Rather, the older tweeters were somewhat less forgiving of anything less than a pure signal. Solid state/digital artifacts would not be softened/rounded by the older uber transparent Scanspeak tweeters.Newer versions would ring less.  But feed any ProAc Response series or Tablette speaker really good input they will sing with stunning realism. You should know that Stewart Tyler voices all ProAcs with Audio Research tube amplification.