ProAc Tablette Reference Eight Signature

Has anyone heard the Tablette Reference Eight Signature ? I currently have Super Tabletts (for the past 15 yrs) and was wondering if anyone has done a comparison. After all this time I'm still really happy with the imaging, depth and midrange clarity. I love the Super Tablettes but would like a little more bass extension. The room we use these in dictates the use of some the size of the ProAc Tabs. If I can't find them I guess I'll just have to get some Bose... just kidding. Unfortunately the nearest ProAc dealer is about 1.5 hr away. I'm a little supprised that they don't have anyone in the Boston area.


Showing 3 responses by btrvalik

From the description it sounds like the signature version of the ref 8 is quite a bit different than the non-sig. I'm wondering if these will have similar qualities to the sig 50? They have a new woofer design with rare earth neodymium bar magnets so they have plenty of flux to work with...
I did get a chance a to hear these a few months ago. I really liked them but they did not give me the fullness I was looking for. The dealers suggested listening to the 1SC so we did. These seem to have the imaging of the tabs plus richer bass & lower mids. Since then I also auditioned the new DynAudio S1.4 and the b&w sig 805... I think the S1.4 is my current favorite but I really need to do more listening. I have to intetion of selling my tabs so I'm looking for a speaker to complement these. The ref 8 was certainly a step up from the original... Good luck with them...