Proac Tablette 10 and Response DB3


Has anyone heard either of these models?

The Tablette 10 has been out for a little while and there are a couple of reviews on them, one at Tone Publications and the other at their dealer in Scotland,  The Music Room.

The Response DB3 is new, so I haven't been able to find much on them.
Hi Stewart,

Do you mean there will be a new Tablette 10 Signature this coming summer? What will be the technical differences and expected improvements (sound quality) between the Tablette 10 and 10 Signature?
Hi Steward,
What would be suggested/recommended bi-wire cables for Proac d48 in £500-£1000 range?
What cables do you use yourself? 
    Why not try the Proac wire
 It works well for me and tonally its dead center
  Proac Dealer
Audio Connection

Thank you JohnnyR!
I did not know, that Proac does/sells their branded cables. It seems they are the same as internal speakers' wiring. 
I will ask local dealer, but I think that exclusive distributor in my country does not import them, at all. If that scenario will turn true, then I will ask my brother living in Scotland to buy for me.