Proac Studio 125s

I am considering buying these little guys because I love the Proac sound, but cannot afford to move up to the Response series. However, I have not really had a chance to compare them with much of competition. I am concerned that at this price point, I probably have a lot of very good options of which I may not be aware.

The question is: At their price point, do the 125s offer enough of the Proac sound to be good value, or are there other speakers out there that offer more of the strengths of the higher level Proacs at the same or lesser cost?

As a sidenote, the Proacs do have the advantage of high WAF. My wife likes the ebony veneers as much as I like the way they sound. So please avoid suggesting aesthetically challenged alternatives :-)

Thanks for your input.

Showing 4 responses by gumbydammit

Hmm, Gunbei likes the Tab's and Gumbydammit likes the Tab's..
See a pattern here?

I would suggest trying to find a set ofused response two's.

Easiest way to describe them......Tab's with BASS!

Fer sure would meet WAF needs with a nice set of Target stands.
Sfar: what is the rest of your system?

If you had to pick your three favorite recordings what would they be? (What really showcases the system well?)
Good question on the reviews. This is the first time I have been informed of this since I never read reviews.

Why do you read reviews?
Warm? Romantic? Hmmm
I find the stuff from B&W to be a bit rolled of actually, while the Tabs in my living room are certainly "all there".