Proac Ribbon Tweeters Damaged

Hi all - this is my first submission, so looking forward to your responses...

I own 2.5 year old Proac D48 R speakers, powered by a Parasound Halo A21 amp (about 8 years old). When listening the other day I thought the speakers sounded dull, muddy. It appears both of my ribbon tweeters have gone out and I am at a loss to understand why.  The amp is certainly not under powered to cause clipping damage and I never play my unit abnormally loud  - maybe 1/4 to 1/3 total volume.

As you can imagine, my repair/driver replacement will not be covered by warranty as this is not considered a manufacturer defect. I am told the tweeters run $399 per.

Worst thing I can do is have these repaired and then have it happen again. HELP!

Showing 17 responses by gnoworyta

Nope - no test discs. I never did identify the cause, but have since replaced my Parasound amp with PS Audio Stellar  M700 monos.
I'm sure they can but shipping from Dallas, Tx to PA would be a nightmare. My local dealer can repair them - I just want to know what possibly could have caused this (spike from amp?) and what I can/should do to prevent it from happening again...
Thanks all. The primary source is a Parasound Halo CD-1 player. Also occasional vinyl via Rega P3. But all has gone well for 2 1/2 years using these...
Thanks. He will actually have to replace the tweeters.

My speakers are under warranty but my dealer stated as both tweeters were blown at once, it was caused by a "system problem" and not manufacturer's defect.

But my amp seems to be functioning normally, so????

Like I said, I'm at a loss to understand how this occurred and want to prevent it in the future, post repair...

erik_squires - no new speaker cables. Have always used Kimber Kable - 9 gauge.
Again, thanks to all for your comments thus far.

I am using a Parasound Halo JC2 preamp and Musical Surroundings Phonomena phono amp.However, if I recall correctly, I was not using my turntable when I noticed the problem. Just spinning CD's.

I am unaware of any speaker fuse(s) in the Proacs.

My woofer/midrange drivers appear to be fine.

Unfortunately, I have no other speakers on hand to connect to my amp in question. I did power all down and then re-try, but my tweeters were still not functional. I can't be sure as they are covered by a wire mesh, but the foil ribbons may actually be a bit discolored in spots.

My takeaways thus far:

1. No one appears to believe the speakers themselves could be at fault.
2. "Testing" my amp would be prudent, although I have no idea how to do this (I'm by no means an electronics expert LOL). Who would be able to perform a check on the unit? The dealer I purchased the amp from is no longer in business.
 3.The speaker crossover problem mentioned - could this itself have caused the tweeters to fail or would that problem, if it does exist, have been ultimately related to the amp as well?

Forgot to mention - no vacuuming of the tweeters. I am very careful with my equipment - that's why this is so frustrating.
jetter - appreciate any and all advice/comments.

My Proac dealer is supposed to be coming by this week to take a look at my speakers. I have no idea as to his level of expertise in regard to analysis/repair, so we shall see...

In the meantime, I welcome all input.
almarge - thank you

shadorneb- thanks. Scary to think they are that delicate. That said, I don't recall doing anything recently in operating my set up that I have not done over the course of the last 2.5 years, in which the speakers were fine.
jetter - He really couldn't say. Although he did not "test" it, he said the amp appeared to be operating normally. He just said that somehow some sort of "system spike" had to have been generated to cause the ribbons to go. 
Jetter - thanks. You're right - not much help in ascertaining the cause. And although I understand their position that the speakers are not exhibiting a certain "defect in workmanship or materials", I think they still could have stepped up and assisted financially in some way.

Thanks for the advice on Millersound. I'll see what they say.

Either way, once I get these repaired, I will have to decide whether I feel comfortable continuing to use that amp, or bite the bullet and purchase something new. Have to keep cost down, so considering PS Audio Stellar...
jetter - thanks. I know the replacement tweeters the dealer installed were G2SE's - got them from Proac. Not sure if the G2SI's are the same...
jetter - never was able to get a definitive answer as to what caused the tweeters to go. That said, I did have them replaced by the dealer, although at significant expense for both the tweeters and labor. Although I understand that the two tweeters going at the same time indicate it was probably not a " product defect" issue, I'm a bit disappointed that neither the dealer nor Proac offered to share in any of the repair cost (speakers are only 2.5 years old with very moderate use). I always thought buying from a local brick and mortar dealer was a wise thing to do - for issues just like this. But with the level of support I experienced, now I'm not so sure. And I'm a bit reluctant to continue to use my amp - looking into getting a replacement. Gotta save up the $$$$!
Forgot to mention, I called Millersound and they did not offer repair on the tweeters...


I finally gave up on the Proacs. Really liked the sound, but there is something about the durability of their ribbons. After multiple failures (with different amps), I sold my D48R's and went with Spendors.  No problems in almost two years...