Proac Response 2

Good evening and long live music..

These speakers are amazing for their midrange and soundstage capabilities..

For current or previous owners of these speakers, can you recommend speakers that have the PROAC sound with more bass.

Thanks ...
another +1 for the REL sub.

I have Dynaudio Contour 1.3 mkII speakers which I love. They do a fabulous job down to 40Hz. I never dreamed what I was missing till I added a REL sub. The sound is now much more complete. When I listen to the sub alone I can't figure it out because it does so little, but in conjunction with the mains it all adds up.

Maybe you could get a loaner so as not to lose anything in the process if it is not your ultimate solution.
I spent a lot of time comparing my Proac One SCs (literally taking them around) to many, maybe 50 other speaker brands in San Diego, LA, Phoenix, and Tucson, in extended listening, and found that almost nothing can compare to the sweet musicality of the Proacs. The statement above, Proacs make music beautiful, is so true. The key word is engaging.

I say "almost" because there was one speaker brand that I could switch to and be equally, maybe more, happy: Harbeth.
